Such a positive example is Fiten SA, which has been in sanitation proceedings since August 2016. The company's management board, together with its administrator, the law firm PMR Restrukturyzacje SA, reached an agreement in mid-April this year with the company's financing banks - ING Bank Śląski and mBank. It signed two agreements with them - for a revolving loan of PLN 3 million and a working capital loan of PLN 500 thousand.
Jak przyznają doradcy restrukturyzacyjni, wbrew przepisom nowej ustawy o restrukturyzacji banki zamiast pomóc zadłużonej firmie w naprawie, często odmawiają jej udostępnienia wcześniej przyznanych kredytów. Chociaż takie działania nie są zgodne z nowym prawem, przedsiębiorcy nie mają skutecznych narzędzi do obrony przed takimi praktykami.
One of the main problems for companies that have benefited from the new restructuring law, in force since 1 January 2016, is obtaining refinancing. Although the new legislation does not allow banks to terminate contracts against companies that have been granted the status of a company under restructuring by a commercial court, it often happens that banks terminate existing contracts, limit credit limits and it borders almost on a miracle to obtain new funds.
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