A company in crisis, facing the spectre of bankruptcy, resembles a seriously ill person and a restructuring plan involving an arrangement with creditors a healing cure.
A company that is experiencing liquidity problems and perceives impending trouble should react without delay. Growing problems will not resolve themselves.
— It is important to notice the symptoms of the crisis and realize that the company needs help. This is the key to success. Working on the architecture of the process of necessary restructuring is often associated with a change in the current business model — admits Małgorzata Anisimowicz, president of PMR Restrukturyzacje.
The purpose of all the indicated procedures and tools, recommended by the provisions of the Restructuring Law, is to avoid the announcement bankruptcy companies. An alternative to this scenario is restructuring through an arrangement with creditors. How to achieve this?
- By preparing a restructuring plan indicating to creditors and the court the company's current situation, the causes of the crisis, viable and credible ways out of the crisis, related costs, types and sources of financing, forecasts of results and a timetable for the implementation of corrective measures, Małgorzata Anisimowicz enumerates.
Alternatives to bankruptcy
The form of the arrangement between a company in crisis and its creditors depends on the type of settlement it requests. restructuring proceedings. By entering into negotiations to conclude an arrangement, the company's management must ensure the achievement of two goals: repayment of receivables and ensuring the company's prospects for overcoming the crisis and getting back on track.
— These goals are not contradictory, but quite the opposite. Although the creditors want their liabilities to be repaid, the company wants to overcome crisis and beyond develop. This is the area where we operate as a restructuring advisor. We help the company in problems to restructure, i.e. such changes in the area of its operation that will allow it to generate the funds necessary to repay its receivables and enable its development, explains Małgorzata Anisimowicz.
Creditors, seeing that their debtor is cooperating with a restructuring advisor, is making profound changes and is starting to repay the debts, are also inclined to cooperate with the restructuring advisor and learn about the alternative to a possible solution. bankruptcy and supporting in their own way the implementation of the scenario for overcoming the crisis.
— The word “alternative” has great meaning for all of us. Taking control of the crisis situation, creation of arrangement proposals, which are based on the realities of the company's operations, are a success for the debtor's company, its creditors, and the state treasury, because the employer pays taxes while developing its company - argues Małgorzata Anisimowicz.
Interest of creditors
Success of the activities restructuring and arrangement is a derivative of interdisciplinary knowledge (economic, legal, management) of the entire team of experts and practitioners supporting the company in preparing a strategy to return to effective operation. Continuous and exhaustive communication is also important companies with their creditors throughout the restructuring process.
— Communication is one of the key activities in the work of a company, as well as the one that supports it. a company specializing in consulting and restructuring. It is expressed in the continuous presentation of the current situation of the company, indicating the sources of financing of its current operations, the possibilities of generating profit, and above all in the simulation of the repayment of receivables - explains Małgorzata Anisimowicz.