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PMR in the media: 1670

Expensive electricity will finish off companies

Are we facing a wave of bankruptcies caused by huge increases in electricity prices for companies? Market experts estimate that wholesale electricity prices, i.e. directly to companies, will already rise by 70 per cent (year-on-year) at the beginning of next year. The effects of such drastic increases will affect not only large companies supplying or consuming large amounts of electricity, but also all companies that have signed long-term contracts for the supply of products and services with a price guarantee.

PMR Restructuring SA specialists predict that drastic increases in wholesale electricity, in a reminder of the unbundled energy price market for companies, combined with rising employment costs, fuel prices and many raw materials, will significantly impact the number of bankruptcies in 2019.

Electricity prices are rising steadily, but in July this year on the Polish Power Exchange they rose by as much as 60 per cent compared to the previous year and, despite the intervention of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office, have remained at this level. Just six months ago, a megawatt hour cost PLN 170, in June it was already PLN 233 and now PLN 280.

– Na efekty tych podwyżek nie będziemy czekać długo – wyjaśnia Małgorzata Anisimowicz, prezes PMR Restrukturyzacje SA. – Monitorujemy rentowność i czynniki ryzyka w wielu sektorach gospodarki i cały czas rozszerzamy katalog potencjalnych bankructw o nowe. Do tej pory najbardziej zagrożone były firmy budowlane, transportowe oraz wytwórcze. Jeżeli prognozy podwyżek energii potwierdzą się, dołączy cały szereg nowych branż, w których obserwujemy kumulację negatywnych czynników ryzyka, tj. wzrost kosztów pracy, surowców i energii
- explains Malgorzata Anisimowicz.
The material appeared on

13 September 2018:
" Expensive electricity will finish off companies

PMR in the media

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