Bankruptcy economic

Is your business no longer profitable or even generates huge losses? Are they conducted? restructuring proceedings have not had the desired effect? Has your company become insolvent? Is it time to close down your business?

Perhaps you are concerned that you will be dragged into the responsibility for the company's liabilities? Maybe it's too late for liquidation? If so, you need support! We are here to help you. From now on, we can walk this path together.

We realise that no matter how big a company you run or how many employees you have, declaration of bankruptcy can be a difficult experience for you. Contact us as soon as possible, so that we can comprehensively help you through this process.

We provide assistance
for entrepreneurs

We provide assistance
for entrepreneurs

Bankruptcy economic

Is your business no longer profitable or even generates huge losses? Are they conducted? restructuring proceedings have not had the desired effect? Has your company become insolvent? Is it time to close down your business?

Perhaps you are concerned that you will be dragged into the responsibility for the company's liabilities? Maybe it's too late for liquidation? If so, you need support! We are here to help you. From now on, we can walk this path together.

We realise that no matter how big a company you run or how many employees you have, declaration of bankruptcy can be a difficult experience for you. Contact us as soon as possible, so that we can comprehensively help you through this process.

+48 22-30-05-105

Free consultation

Entrepreneur, We want to help you

- at every stage of the insolvency process


We support entrepreneurs

Kim are we?

We are a law firm whose The overriding aim is to help companies in difficult times. We have been conducting bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings for many years. We draw up insolvency petitions and also advise in times of crisis.

We have at your disposal licensed restructuring advisors, who, in collaboration with experts in communications, finance and law They will guide you through the crisis and the bankruptcy process can be your New Start.


+48 22-30-05-105

Free consultation

PMR in the media

years on the market
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Important information
concerning restructuring

What are the advantages
declaring bankruptcy

Additional advantages
for individuals running a business activity


How do you start insolvency proceedings?


Liquidation in pre-pack


Cancellation of liabilities

Remember, only timely application
will bring you the most benefits


+48 22-30-05-105

Free consultation

Want to know more?

Running a business involves a huge risk, and even a temporary loss of financial liquidity can mean serious problems. At the same time, the people running the business or managing the company are responsible for running the business taking into account the ability to pay, which entails, among other things, the need to monitor whether the company has gone into insolvency.

Check for free,
whether your company can go into debt

Fill in the questionnaire
Your answers to a few important questions will allow us to prepare a free analysis for you and determine whether your company qualifies for bankruptcy.
What form of business do you run?
Indicate what kind of business you are running.
What is your company's total debt?
How many creditors do you have indicatively?
Is your case being handled by a bailiff?
What is your name?
Your telephone number for a free consultation
Our expert will verify your eligibility for restructuring proceedings. In case of incorrect data, we will not be able to contact you.
To which e-mail address do I send the result of the analysis?

Do you have questions? Do you need additional information?
Let's talk. The consultation is free of charge.


+48 22-30-05-105

Free consultation

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