The Administrator of HAWE SA w restrukturyzacji (in restructuring) with its registered office in Warsaw (the "Issuer") hereby announces to the public that on November 17, 2016, it received information from the Management Board of HAWE SA (in the person of Mr. Paweł Paluchowski) that on November 16, 2016, the proxy of the Management Board of the Issuer filed with the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, 10th Commercial Division for Bankruptcy and Restructuring (the "Court") motion to dismiss the current Administrator Issuer – Mr. Wojciech Makucia and appointing in his place the company under the name of PMR Restrukturyzacje SA with its registered office in Warsaw to act as the Issuer’s Manager (the “Application”).
The administrator indicates that he will respond to the content of the application once it has been received from the Court.
17 November 2016:
" HAWE: Submission of application for change of Issuer Manager