The new law would come into effect at the beginning of February 2019. The NCR will contain information about which companies are in bankruptcy or restructuring proceedings. There will also be data on people who have been in arrears with maintenance for more than six months and on consumer bankruptcies.
On September 7, the Ministry of Justice sent a draft of the relevant act to the government. The register is to be public and accessible to everyone on the Internet. The data will include information on when the company filed an application to initiate restructuring proceedings, which court is handling the case, case reference numbers, names of the restructuring administrator, composition of the bankruptcy estate, list of creditors and a creditor repayment plan.
National Register of Indebted Persons is to save paper. Writings procedural and other documents will have to be submitted using electronic register. The same is to be done with court decisions, which will be published only in the electronic system.
According to PMR Restructuring SA, "the courts will also do away with postal deliveries, they will be sent electronically, which will reduce the number of paper correspondences and also shorten the time from ruling to sending."
Documents will be certified with electronic signatures and commercial courts are expected to work faster.
But restructuring advisors fear that being lumped together companies in bankruptcy and dishonest debtors and restructured entities may stigmatize the latter. They will be put on an equal footing with bankrupts.