The insolvency practitioner has movable property in the form of agricultural equipment and vehicles to sell:
inv. no. | Movability 100% values | asking price |
1 | Bizon Z 056 combine harvester 1986. | 6,900.00 PLN |
4 | Agricultural truck trailer Pilawa Górna D-44 with registration number DJA 152PP | 1,200.00 PLN |
5 | Tytan "Strumyk" S800 double-disc fertilizer spreader from 2014, | 980.00 PLN |
10 | mounted sprayer ZAKŁAD MECHANIKI MASZYN i URDOWZEŃ Zbuczyn P 329 z 2013 r. | 750.00 PLN |
The asking price for the entire movable property is: 9,830.00 PLN
Possibility to sell all items as a set or individual equipment/machinery selected by the bidder.
Sale by tender. Viewing possible by appointment.
I. The condition to participate in the tender is:
a) submitting a written offer meeting the conditions of the Rules of Procedure in a closed envelope within the deadline until November 18, 2024, 3:00 p.m.
b) payment of the tender deposit in the amount corresponding to 10% (in words: ten percent) of the starting price of the subject of the tender to the bank account kept for the bankruptcy estate under number 69 2490 0005 0000 4000 7485 9519 on time until November 18, 2024, 3:00 p.m.
II. The offer should include:
- the date on which the offer was made,
- name of the Bidder, legal status, address including contact number,
- the purchase price offered, specifying the subject of the tender, which shall not be lower than the starting price and specifying the manner and date of its payment,
- confirmation of payment of the deposit to the bank account of the bankruptcy estate,
- the bank account to which the amount of the bid security is to be refunded in the event that the bid of the Bidder concerned is not selected,
- a statement of familiarity with the factual and legal status of the subject of the tender,
- a statement that the Tenderer is not one of the persons excluded from the possibility of submitting tenders under Paragraph V(2) of the Rules of Procedure,
- a statement that the Bidder has read the Rules and Regulations and has no objections to their contents,
- a statement of awareness of the consequences of the sale of the assets of the Insolvency Estate in the insolvency proceedings,
- a statement of undertaking to pay all costs connected with the conclusion of the contract of sale of the movable property,
- a statement that he has acknowledged and understood the manner in which the Receiver has informed the bankruptcy about possible proceedings auction,
- if the tender is submitted by an agent, a copy of the power of attorney granted.
- Statement of consent for communication by email to.
- Bidder's signature on the bid.