Privacy policy
§ 1
1 The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to set out the principles governing the processing of personal data obtained through the website operating at: (hereinafter referred to as the "Site").
2 The administrator of the personal data is PMR Restrukturyzacje S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw, Twarda 18 Street, 00-105 Warsaw, entered in the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw in Warsaw XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number: 0000546300, NIP: 7010471710, REGON: 360951713 (hereinafter: "Administrator or "PMR").
- See also
3. Kontakt z Administratorem możliwy jest listownie na adres podany wyżej lub mailowo: W przypadku pytań lub wątpliwości, jak również w celu przekazania wniosków dotyczących realizacji przysługujących Państwu praw prosimy o kontakt z wyznaczonym Inspektorem Ochrony Danych Osobowych adres e-mail:
4 We ensure that your personal data is processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons
in connection with the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter: RODO).
5 We exercise due diligence to protect the interests of data subjects and in particular ensure that the data collected is:
1) processed in accordance with applicable legislation,
2) collected for specifically identified legitimate purposes and not subjected to further processing incompatible with those purposes,
3) Substantially correct and adequate in relation to the purposes for which they are processed and kept in a form which permits identification of the persons to whom they relate for no longer than is necessary to achieve the purpose of the processing.
6 The controller shall apply appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the protection of the personal data processed.
§ 2
1 The Website allows you to contact the Administrator via the contact form (hereinafter: "Contact Form'') or via a chat with a consultant (hereinafter: "Chat"), as well as the possibility to create and use an individual User Account for Shareholders (hereinafter: Account).
2 By using the Form, Chat or Account, you provide your personal data and consent to its processing on a voluntary basis.
(3) The provision of personal data is not a statutory or contractual requirement, but is necessary in order to successfully submit a Form to the Administrator, to respond to an enquiry contained in the Form or when using the Chat, as well as to set up and use an Account.
(4) In the case of a person under the age of 16, consent to the processing of personal data must be given by the person having parental authority or custody over the person.
5. Państwa dane osobowe przetwarzane są w celu udzielania odpowiedzi na pytania kierowane przez Formularz kontaktowy lub Chat, jak również w celu założenia i korzystania z Konta – podstawą prawną tych działań jest wyrażona przez Państwa zgoda.
6 We process the following range of your data:
1) Name,
2) email address,
3) telephone number,
4) any other data provided by you in the content of an enquiry sent via the contact form or Chat or when creating an Account.
7 The controller does not profile you, which means that your data is not processed in an automated manner to determine your needs or personality traits.
(8) The administrator does not collect additional information about you from other sources.
9 The administrator does not sell your personal data, nor does he make it available to other entities. In particular, your data will not be transferred outside the European Economic Area or to international organisations.
10. Only trusted recipients such as IT service providers may be recipients of your data.
(11) The controller shall ensure that it limits as much as possible the storage period for personal data that is no longer used.
12. your data submitted in the Form will be processed for the duration of the correspondence or the existence of the Account, but no longer than until you revoke your consent.
13 If you expressly wish to terminate your conversations or delete your Account, your data will be deleted immediately. If there is no response and the situation is unclear, the data will be stored for a period of 1 year from the date of the last message.
§ 3
(1) You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing that was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.
(2) In addition, you have the following rights:
1) The right of access to the content of personal data,
2) The right to rectification of data,
3) The right of access to the content of personal data,
4) the right to erasure ("right to be forgotten")
5) The right to restrict data processing,
6) the right to data portability.
3. in order to exercise the aforementioned rights, please contact the Administrator or the Data Protection Officer at the addresses indicated in this Privacy Policy
4 You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, the President of the Data Protection Authority, if you believe that the processing of your personal data violates the RODO.
§ 4
1 The website uses cookies, hereinafter referred to as "cookies".
(2) Cookies are text files which are stored on the electronic terminal equipment (hereinafter: "Device") of the user of the Website.
3 Cookies contain, in particular, the IP address assigned to the User's computer or the external IP address of the Internet provider, domain name, browser type, access time, type of operating system.
The Cookies used by the Administrator are safe for the User's Device. These files allow the Website to be adapted individually to the User's requirements. In particular, it is not possible for viruses or other inappropriate software to enter the User's Device in this way.
5. the Administrator uses the following types of cookies:
1) Internal cookies - files placed and read from the User's Device by the Site's ICT system;
2) External cookies - files placed and read from the User's Device by the ICT systems of the Administrator's partners, service providers or recipients of services (hereinafter: "External Services");
3) Session cookies - files placed and read from the User's Device by the Website or External Services during a single session of the given Device. When the session ends, the files are deleted from the User Device;
4) Persistent Cookies - files placed and read from the User's Device by the Website or External Services until they are manually deleted. Cookies are not deleted automatically when the session of the Device ends, unless the configuration of the User Device is set to delete cookies when the session of the Device ends.
6. The Administrator is not responsible for the security of Cookies originating from external Services.
7 The Administrator uses cookies to:
1) improving and facilitating access to the Site - The Administrator may store information in Cookies about the User's preferences and settings regarding the Site in order to improve, enhance and expedite the provision of services on the Site;
2) the proper operation of the functions available on the Site, including but not limited to Chat,
3) Collecting statistical data - The Administrator and External Services use cookies to collect and process statistical data about the Website, such as e.g. visit statistics, statistics of User Devices or statistics of User behaviour. This data is collected in order to analyse and improve the functioning of the Website.
(8) You have the possibility to restrict or disable access to cookies on your Device. You can change the settings referred to above via your browser settings.
(9) You can delete cookies at any time using the functions available in your browser.
10. restricting the use of cookies may affect some of the functionalities available on the Site.
§ 5
1 The Administrator reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time.
(2) Amendments shall enter into force as soon as they are published on the Site.