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PMR in the media: 1668

Entrepreneurs are not ashamed of their debts

Entrepreneurs who have to take out loans from banks or use deferred payment for purchased products in order to develop their business are accustomed to incurring debt. Having them is not something embarrassing for them. As many as 93.4 per cent of them answered this way in the survey.

– To pokazuje, że polscy przedsiębiorcy mają naturalny stosunek do pieniędzy. W biznesie tak jest, że obraca się cudzymi pieniędzmi, finansowanie długiem jest naturalną rzeczą w całym świecie – uważa Małgorzata Anisimowicz, doradca restrukturyzacyjny z kancelarii PMR Restrukturyzacje SA.– Pieniądz na pewnym poziomie traktowany jest jak narzędzie, zasób niezbędny dla rozwoju firmy. Jest on cenny, podobnie jak ludzie, systemy informatyczne, pozycja na rynku czy wizerunek – dodaje.

Loans - yes, loans from family - no

Najbardziej akceptowalne są dla przedsiębiorców kredyty hipoteczne – aż 79,2 proc. stwierdziło, że nie jest to powód do wstydu. Tylko 33,1 proc. osób pracujących na etacie zgadza się z tą opinią.

Almost half of business owners consider late payment of electricity, water, rent or internet bills to be normal. Non-business owners have a different opinion - only 10.8 per cent of them answered that they would admit such debts to friends without shame.

Most embarrassing from the point of view of salaried employees are the late payments to ZUS and the tax office. This is not surprising, as these costs are borne by employers, not employees. Only 11.7 per cent of employers share their belief.

As many as a quarter of businessmen would be ashamed to take out a loan from their family (24.8 per cent). Only 7.1 per cent of salaried employees would be embarrassed by this.

- The research shows the problems of Polish companies, which are often undercapitalised and face a lack of funds to cover current liabilities. Entrepreneurs find it difficult to obtain credit and the challenging business environment causes them to have problems with liquidity, believes Małgorzata Anisimowicz.
The material appeared on

12 July 2017:
" Here's why entrepreneurs aren't shy about debts

PMR in the media

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