Archicom reported PLN 8.52 million in consolidated net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent in Q3 2016, compared to PLN 5.57 million in profit a year earlier, the company said in a report.
Comp reported a PLN 3.94m consolidated net loss attributable to equity holders of the parent in Q3 2016, compared to a PLN 1.51m profit a year earlier, the company said in a report.
Industrial Milk Company (IMC) reported USD 17.12m in consolidated net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent in 2016, compared to USD 21.13m in profit a year earlier, the company said in a statement.
Murapol Projekt - a subsidiary of Murapol - has concluded an agreement for the acquisition of a property in Kraków at Agatowa and Mariana Domagała Streets with an area of 4.2 ha, for a net price of PLN 26.07 million, Murapol stated. It will develop a project on the plot for a total of 823 units.
Industrial Milk Company (IMC) odnotował 17,12 mln USD skonsolidowanego zysku netto przypisanego akcjonariuszom jednostki dominującej w 2016 r. wobec 21,13 mln USD zysku rok wcześniej, podała spółka w raporcie.
Murapol Projekt - a subsidiary of Murapol - has concluded an agreement for the acquisition of a property in Kraków at Agatowa and Mariana Domagała Streets with an area of 4.2 ha, for a net price of PLN 26.07 million, Murapol stated. It will develop a project on the plot for a total of 823 units.
The proxy of Hawe's management board in restructuring has filed a motion with the district court in Warsaw to dismiss the issuer's current administrator, Wojciech Makuć, and appoint a company under the name PMR Restrukturyzacje in his place, the company said.
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