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We want Help you

- at each stage of the simplified restructuring

  • We will prepare a financial analysis of the company for you, i.e. we will review your company's situation in detail to find out what problems and needs it has
  • We will draw up a restructuring plan for you, where together we will plan the way forward for your business
  • We will enter into negotiations with your creditors, to work out favourable conditions for repayment of your debts
  • We will provide full support during the proceedings and during the implementation of the arrangement
  • Restructuring adviser licence entitles us to act as supervisor of the arrangement in a simplified restructuring

fill in the questionnaire - we will call you back

We support entrepreneurs

Kim are we?

We are a law firm whose the overriding aim is to help entrepreneurs in difficult situations. We have been conducting restructuring proceedings for many years.

We have at your disposal licensed restructuring advisors, who, in collaboration with experts in communications, finance and law will guide you through the restructuring process.

fill out the questionnaire - receive an analysis

PMR in the media

years on the market



Study case

Case study

Smooth restructuring in the transport industry

Description of the problem

A sole trader in the transport industry had financial problems due to the pandemic situation and then the war in Ukraine. The entrepreneur was in danger of having his loan agreements terminated, which would have meant that overnight he could owe banks an amount in excess of PLN 1,000,000.

see solution


The entrepreneur decided to use the company restructuring service provided by our specialist law firm together with our advisory and financial team. The main steps taken in the restructuring process:

  • Analysis of the financial situation: Our team carried out a thorough analysis of the company's financial situation, taking into account the company's flows as well as its assets. This allowed us to understand where the problems are and which liabilities are the biggest threat.
  • Negotiations with creditors: We started negotiations with the entrepreneur's creditors, which in this case were the banks. The negotiations were aimed at working out such terms for the repayment of liabilities that were feasible for him and at the same time attractive to the creditors.
  • Restructuring plan: We prepared a restructuring plan based on an earlier analysis, which included cost optimisation, a new marketing strategy and taking on new market orders
see results


The entrepreneur decided to use the company restructuring service provided by our specialist law firm together with our advisory and financial team. The main steps taken in the restructuring process:

  • Improving liquidity: By concluding an arrangement with its creditors, the company gained time to repay its debts and avoided enforcement proceedings as well as the need to declare bankruptcy
  • Increasing turnover: The restructuring measures implemented have allowed the entrepreneur to reduce fixed costs and increase operational efficiency, resulting in increased profits
  • Long-term stability: Thanks to the development path chosen in the restructuring plan and the continuation of the business, the company is now in a stable situation, resistant to external market changes

This example shows that professionally conducted restructuring proceedings can help entrepreneurs in financial distress regain stability and improve their past performance.

In an interview today, the entrepreneur said that he regrets that he did not decide on this solution a year ago. It would have saved him a lot of stress, which kept him awake at night, and now he is at peace with his business and future prospects.

return to description of the situation

Want to know more?

Running a business involves a huge amount of risk, or even temporary loss of liquidity can mean serious problems. At the same time, it is incumbent on those running or managing a company to run that business with an eye on its ability to pay, and this brings with it, among other things, the need to monitor whether a state of insolvency has developed in the company.

find out more

Check for free,
whether your company can go into debt

    Fill in the questionnaire

    Your answers to a few relevant questions will allow us to prepare a free analysis for you and determine whether your company can embark on a simplified restructuring.

    What form of business do you run?

    Indicate what kind of business you are running.

    What is your company's total debt?

    How many creditors do you have indicatively?

    Is your case being handled by a bailiff?

    What is your name?

    Your telephone number for a free consultation

    Our expert will verify your eligibility for restructuring proceedings. In case of incorrect data, we will not be able to contact you.

    To which e-mail address do I send the result of the analysis?

    Do you have questions? Do you need additional information?
    Let's talk. The consultation is free of charge.

    Form contact

      The administrator of your personal data provided in the contact form is PMR Restrukturyzacje S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw. The personal data provided will be processed in order to respond to your enquiry. Information about your rights, the legal basis for processing your personal data and the period for which your data is stored "are located here.

      +48 22-30-05-105
      +48 22-30-05-106 (fax)


      Visit us:
      70 Prosta Street
      00-838 Warsaw

      Visitor hours:
      Mon-Fri: 9:00 - 13:00
      Wednesday: 13:00 - 16:00

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      PMR Restructuring S.A. @ 2024
