Market analysis shows that up to one in five operating companies may require deep restructuring. With a quick response to emerging liquidity problems, a company can be saved. Restructuring benefits everyone: companies continue to operate and creditors recover more than in bankruptcy.
In the current proceedings that we are dealing with, it turns out that the companies are quite well managed, but they need money. Restructuring, even implemented in remedial proceedings, contrary to appearances, is not based on reducing employment and selling assets, but rather on accumulation - says Maciej Roch Pietrzak, restructuring advisor and president of PMR Restrukturyzacje.
Just over a year ago, the Industrial Development Agency announced that in order to Polish companies could develop faster than before, they need innovative programs, not repair ones. However, as the analysis conducted by PMR Restrukturyzacje shows, even 20 percent companies currently operating on the market may require deep restructuring.
The material appeared on the website:

18 June 2016:
" Up to one in five companies requires deep restructuring
18 June 2016:
" Up to one in five companies requires deep restructuring