Simplified restructuring procedure - news

Whether you are natural person or you run your own business, in the face of difficulties It is advisable to enlist the help of experienced specialists, who will help you choose optimum solutions best suited to your situation.

Simplified restructuring procedure - news

Solutions to the simplified restructuring procedure, which enabled many Polish entrepreneurs to survive in the difficult times of the pandemic as of 01 December 2021. have been implemented into Proceedings for Approval of the Arrangement. Since its introduction, it has become increasingly popular among Polish entrepreneurs ensuring effective restructuring with the possibility of a protective umbrella.

Key benefits proceedings are:

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Have the arrangement approval proceedings piqued your interest? Not surprisingly -
w 2023 roku ponad 92% restrukturyzowanych firmhave opted for this form of restructuring.

   Procedure for Approval of Arrangement commonly referred to as simplified restructuring to najszybsze, najtańsze i najbardziej bezpieczne rozwiązanie dla firm borykających się z trudnościami

Simplified restructuring

Our experience shows, that since the implementation of precautionary restructuring solutions - a simplified procedure in the form of proceedings for the approval of an arrangement - entrepreneurs are increasingly attempting to save their businesses instead of resorting to liquidation or bankruptcy solutions.

There is definitely a growing awareness of the availability of legal tools to enable entrepreneurs, which is in financial difficulties to retain control of the company and provide protection from creditors for the time needed to implement corrective action.

Proceedings for the approval of an arrangement referred to as PZU for short is conducted for the most part without the involvement of the court. The basis for the initiation of PZU is the conclusion of a contract with a restructuring advisor selected by the entrepreneur, the transfer of the advisor's necessary information such as the Preliminary Inventory of Claims, the Preliminary Restructuring Plan.


Simplified restructuring

     These documents allow doradcy dokonanie obwieszczenia o ustaleniu dnia układowego, z którym rozpoczyna się okres ochrony przedsiębiorstwa przed postępowaniami egzekucyjnym, a dotychczasowe ulegają zawieszeniu.

The next stage is the collection of creditor votes. The restructuring adviser is responsible for verifying the proper submission of votes by the creditors, preparing an opinion on the feasibility of the arrangement and a report by the supervisor of the arrangement. If the majority support of the proposed arrangement by the creditors, as required by the Act, is obtained, the entrepreneur shall apply to the Court for approval of the arrangement.

From the date the application is submitted until it is approved, the protection of the company is extended.


Important information

Kim are we?

We are a law firm whose the overriding aim is to help in difficult situations crisis for companies and individuals. We have been conducting bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings for many years.

We have at your disposal licensed restructuring advisors, who in cooperation with experts in the field of communication, finance and law will guide you through the insolvency process.

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Let's talk. The consultation is free of charge.

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