Fewer bankruptcies after law change
Experts expect an increasing interest in restructuring proceedings. The restructuring law has worked – experts assess after a year since its introduction. – Since the act came into force, i.e. from January this year to the end of October, 514 bankruptcy proceedings have been announced. This is 119 fewer than in the same period last year. During the same period, we recorded 155 restructuring proceedings – says Małgorzata Anisimowicz,...
Restructuring law has been saving Polish companies for a year
Fewer dismissed employees, fewer creditors without money, fewer dramas and greater stability of the economy – these are the assumptions of the Restructuring and Bankruptcy Law, which came into force on 1 January 2016. Today, almost a year after the introduction of the new law, we can say that the operation was successful and the patient survived. However, as experts point out, he still has a long rehabilitation ahead of him – comments PMR Restrukturyzacje. Since 2003, i.e. since the introduction of the remedial regulations...
Francophone falls, trouble with repayment terms remains
Let's imagine that a person who took out a loan indexed in Swiss francs intends to declare consumer bankruptcy. The bank reports a claim of PLN 250,000 on the list being prepared. The amount results from the fact that the financial institution terminated the loan and recalculated the entire obligation of the client at the current exchange rate. And yet we can easily find court judgments (for example in Szczecin, Łódź) in which it was stated that the bank has no right to recalculate the amount of the obligation when the loan is indexed...
Important information about consumer bankruptcy in Poland
PMR Restrukturyzacje SA specialists are constantly monitoring statistics on consumer bankruptcy proceedings and assessing the possibilities offered by the Bankruptcy Law. "The Act provides opportunities for consumers who, due to circumstances beyond their control, have not had a chance to get out of the situation they are in. This is real help for thousands of people in Poland who are unable to repay their debts. These people often live in the "grey zone" but want to work and live normally," -...
Consumer bankruptcy an opportunity for francophiles?
After the elections in the USA, the Swiss franc is climbing. It is already at PLN 4.16 and unfortunately, the upward trend is still visible. Thousands of Polish families who took out a loan for a desired apartment are losing ground, and politicians still do not have a good idea for a solution to their difficult situation. Some borrowers are therefore deciding to declare personal bankruptcy - informs the company PMR Restrukturyzacje. The number of loans and credits related to the Swiss currency in Poland is...
Poles break another record for consumer bankruptcies
The number of consumer bankruptcies opened at the request of debtors since the beginning of this year has doubled in October compared to last year. There are currently 5,024 of them, but the actual needs are estimated at around 50 thousand. As PMR Restrukturyzacje SA experts convince, such dynamics of the growth of bankruptcies is very good news, because thousands of people who until now lived in a debt spiral and in the grey zone, avoiding bailiffs and enforcers, are getting a new chance, returning to work and to normal...
Review of news from companies
Archicom recorded PLN 8.52 million in consolidated net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company in Q3 2016, compared to PLN 5.57 million in profit a year earlier, the company reported. Comp recorded PLN 3.94 million in consolidated net loss attributable to shareholders of the parent company in Q3 2016, compared to PLN 1.51 million in profit a year earlier, the company reported. Industrial Milk Company (IMC) recorded USD 17.12 million in consolidated net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company...
HAWE S.A. applies for change of issuer's manager
The Administrator of HAWE SA w restrukturyzacji (in restructuring) with its registered office in Warsaw (the "Issuer") hereby announces to the public that on November 17, 2016, it received information from the Management Board of HAWE SA (in restructuring) in the person of Mr. Paweł Paluchowski that on November 16, 2016, the proxy of the Management Board of the Issuer filed with the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, 10th Commercial Division for Bankruptcy and Restructuring (the "Court") an application to dismiss the previous Administrator of the Issuer - Mr. Wojciech Makucia...
Consumer bankruptcy - bankruptcy filings on the rise
More and more people are deciding to use consumer bankruptcy. And the fact that more and more people decide to take such a step in a difficult financial situation is due to the law, which currently allows you to start everything almost from scratch. Over 5 thousand bankruptcies have already been declared this year. This is more than twice as many as last year. According to experts from PMR Restrukturyzacje SA, the constant increase in the number of consumer bankruptcy applications filed in Poland is a natural, normal and desirable trend. In their opinion...
Over 60% companies see the need to price their products more effectively
More than 60% companies can increase their profits by at least 5% by pricing products more effectively. Using new technologies, customer data analytics, and pricing based on subjective product value is a huge opportunity for many companies. Companies that understand the value of their products and then develop the appropriate data analytics and pricing skills will become leaders in their industry. The past years of economic slowdown...
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