Economic bankruptcy - news

Running a business involves a huge amount of risk, and even a temporary loss of liquidity can mean serious problems. We know this very well, because we help entrepreneurs on a daily basis in financial difficulties i pomagamy przygotować scenariusze na czas kryzysu.

Economic bankruptcy - news

Running a business involves a huge amount of risk, and even a temporary loss of liquidity can mean serious problems. We know this very well, because we help entrepreneurs on a daily basis in financial difficulties i pomagamy przygotować scenariusze na czas kryzysu.

We help entrepreneurs

What is insolvency proceedings?

Bankruptcy is often a last resort that is worth implementing when other methods of repairing a difficult financial situation do not work.

Entrepreneurial bankruptcy process is intended to safeguard the interests of both the debtor, i.e. a company in financial difficulties, and in particular the management of that company, and its creditors.

A primary aspect, One thing to pay attention to when considering filing for bankruptcy is to check whether the entrepreneur is insolvent and has insolvency capacity. This means checking whether bankruptcy proceedings are possible for the form in which the business is conducted.

We realise that the economic bankruptcy of a company is a professional blow, which, as an entrepreneur, is difficult to deal with on your own, so it is worth enlisting the help of experienced professionals to be able to successfully navigate through the insolvency process.


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What conditions must be met,
for economic insolvency to take effect?

   This is in other words the loss of the ability to meet due monetary obligations.

Domniemywa się, że następuje to w momencie istnienia 3 miesięcznej zaległości w spłatach zobowiązań.

For legal persons and entities that are not legal persons a state of insolvency also arises when the amount of liabilities is greater than the value of the assets held, a stan ten utrzymuje się przez co najmniej 24 miesiące.


   In order to be able to conduct insolvency proceedings it is necessary for the company to have assets to cover the costs of the proceedings, as well as to satisfy, albeit to a small extent, the claims of creditors.

Przy czym analiza tego zagadnienia jest złożona w stosunku do majątku, na którym zostały ustanowione zabezpieczenia rzeczowe, np. w postaci hipoteki czy zastawów.


   In accordance with the provisions of the Bankruptcy Law, It is not possible to declare business bankruptcy if a company has only one creditor.

Hence, in order for a bankruptcy petition to be granted trzeba w nim wskazać co najmniej dwóch wierzycieli.


This was just a brief description of the conditions to be met.

Jeśli pojawiły się u Ciebie jakieś pytania lub wątpliwości, zapraszamy do kontaktu z nami z chęcią wyjaśnimy je Tobie.

When to think about it, Should the company be declared bankrupt?

Odpowiedź na to pytanie jest i zarazem nie jest prosta – jedno jest pewne, nie warto zwlekać – działanie na ostatnią chwilę pozbawi Ciebie wielu możliwości.

Therefore, a quick contact from your side will allow us to assess your situation and propose the best strategy of action for your company.

When the first signs of impending insolvency appear, należy dokładnie przeanalizować sytuację finansową firmy. Na wczesnym etapie masz jeszcze możliwość skorzystania z licznych rozwiązań restrukturyzacyjnych. W momencie zaistnienia stanu niewypłacalności, liczba możliwych do podjęcia działań maleje.

Remember that as an entrepreneur, you are obliged to file for bankruptcy within 30 days of the occurrence of the condition. Ignorance or wilful disregard of this obligation can result in very severe consequences for those representing the company.

Members of the company's board of directors are jointly and severally liable for the company's liabilities and tax arrears.


Z powyższych względów tak ważne jest zdiagnozowanie wystąpienia stanu niewypłacalności przedsiębiorcy oraz skuteczne złożenie wniosku o ogłoszenie upadłości w odpowiednim terminie.

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What are the benefits
za złożeniem wniosku o upadłość w terminie?

Avoidance of liability for company debts

Allows a board member to exclude liability for the debts of an insolvent company

Avoidance of liability for tax arrears

Umożliwia członkowi zarządu spółki kapitałowej uwolnienie się od odpowiedzialności za zaległości podatkowe niewypłacalnej spółki

Avoidance of criminal liability

Pozwala uniknąć członkom zarządu albo likwidatorom odpowiedzialności karnej za niezłożenie wniosku o upadłość spółki handlowej

Oddalanie możliwość orzeczenia o zakazie prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej

Sąd może orzec o zakazie prowadzenia działalności na okres od 1 roku do 10 lat w przypadku niezłożenie w terminie wniosku o ogłoszenie upadłości, dlatego chcąc kontynuować działalność w ramach innej firmy lub też chcąc pełnić funkcję reprezentanta w spółce warto złożyć wniosek o upadłość we właściwym momencie

Satisfaction of creditors

Pozwala zaspokoić wierzycieli z majątku niewypłacalnego podmiotu i prowadzi do umorzenia pozostałych wierzytelności

We help entrepreneurs

or bankruptcy under control

What does it consist of? A pre-prepared liquidation (pre-pack) is a procedure that allows the assets of an insolvent debtor to be sold quickly and in accordance with the will of the parties to an investor in a non-tendered insolvency procedure.

The greatest advantage of the prepared decommissioning for a failing company it is, That it allows the bankrupt's business to continue to operate. For an investor who wishes to acquire such a company, the greatest benefit is the enforcement effect of the sale, i.e. the acquisition of the bankrupt's property free of liabilities and encumbrances, which is not possible with a regular sale of the company, because then the the purchaser is jointly and severally liable with the transferor for its obligations in relation to the operation of the business.


A prepared liquidation may consist of court-approved terms of sale not only the entire enterprise of the debtor, but also a significant part of it or only a valuable asset within the framework of bankruptcy proceedings. Importantly, the insolvent entrepreneur who plans to benefit from the prepared liquidation has the possibility to consciously choose the buyer indicated in the application, at the price specified in the application and accepted by the court.

This structuring of the relationship between the insolvent company and the purchaser of the business or part of it also allows for other arrangements to be made for the continuation of the business. Podkreślić należy również szybkość tego postępowania – sprzedaż powinna nastąpić w ciągu 30 dni od dnia uprawomocnienia się postanowienia sądu w zakresie zatwierdzenia takiej sprzedaży, co w sposób oczywisty jest korzystne dla wszystkich uczestników tego postępowania, a także przekłada się na zmniejszenie jego kosztów, a tym samym na wyższy stopień zaspokojenia wierzycieli.

The law sets out in detail who can apply for approval of the terms of sale in a prepared liquidation and how. Jeśli interesuję Ciebie ten temat – zapraszamy do kontaktu z naszym doradcą, który rozwieje Twoje ewentualne wątpliwości.

Tylko prawidłowo sporządzony wniosek o zatwierdzenie warunków sprzedaży w ramach przygotowanej likwidacji może zostać pozytywnie rozpatrzony przez sąd.

Arrangement in bankruptcy
- droga do poszukiwania kompromisu z wierzycielami

The commencement of bankruptcy proceedings means that the debtor's financial situation is not among the best. However, insolvency is not always a permanent phenomenon, sometimes entrepreneurs manage to find ways to improve the operation and profitability of the business even during the insolvency proceedings.

Then a new rescue scenario for the company becomes possible, i.e., the submission of proposals for arrangement to creditors. Jeżeli zostaną one przychylnie przyjęte przez wierzycieli, a przedsiębiorca uprawdopodobni możliwość wykonania układu, sąd może zakończyć postępowanie upadłościowe poprzez wydanie postanowienia o zatwierdzeniu układu.

What are the benefits accepting an arrangement in bankruptcy?

For the Creditor:

For the Insolvent Entrepreneur

We help entrepreneurs

Arrangement proposals in insolvency proceedings are not only entitled to be submitted by the bankrupt, but also by the creditor and the trustee. They are fully free to make arrangement proposals.The rule is simple: everything that is not prohibited is allowed.

Among the most relevant layout proposals are:

Whether it is your business that is in bankruptcy or whether it is your counterparty that is in bankruptcy, it is worth considering whether an arrangement will meet your expectations to a higher extent than liquidation bankruptcy.


Finding a compromise is also possible in bankruptcy - find it with our help. Let's talk, because it's worth it.

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Spółka kapitałowa - produkcja

The capital company was engaged in the business of producing bread
 for a popular retail chain, a change in the way bakery products are sourced by placing ovens in the discounters to bake pre-prepared frozen bakery products, resulted in an immediate drop in the company's revenue.

Thanks to the immediate reaction of the company's board of directors and the filing of a bankruptcy petition it became possible to declare the company bankrupt. Prompt action also helped to limit the accumulation of the company's debts, and the liquidation of the company's assets led to the satisfaction of creditors' claims to a higher degree.

Following the conclusion of the proceedings, the company was removed from the KRS. Shortly thereafter, one of the largest creditors, wishing to recover the remainder of its receivables that had not been satisfied in the course of the bankruptcy proceedings, filed a lawsuit for payment against the entire management of the company. However, the creditor did not win the case, as the lawsuit was dismissed on the grounds that the members of the company's management board had been freed from liability for the company's debts, as the bankruptcy petition had been filed in due time and by all members of the company's management board.

With the right legal steps, the entire board of directors of the company is safe and need not fear that the company's creditors will reach into their private assets.


Capital company -production

The capital company was engaged in the business of producing bread for a popular retail chain, a change in the way bakery products are sourced by placing ovens in the discounters to bake pre-prepared frozen bakery products, resulted in an immediate drop in the company's revenue.

Thanks to the immediate reaction of the company's board of directors and the filing of a bankruptcy petition it became possible to declare the company bankrupt. Prompt action also helped to limit the accumulation of the company's debts, and the liquidation of the company's assets led to the satisfaction of creditors' claims to a higher degree.

Following the conclusion of the proceedings, the company was removed from the KRS. Shortly thereafter, one of the largest creditors, wishing to recover the remainder of its receivables that had not been satisfied in the course of the bankruptcy proceedings, filed a lawsuit for payment against the entire management of the company. However, the creditor did not win the case, as the lawsuit was dismissed on the grounds that the members of the company's management board had been freed from liability for the company's debts, as the bankruptcy petition had been filed in due time and by all members of the company's management board.

With the right legal steps, the entire board of directors of the company is safe and need not fear that the company's creditors will reach into their private assets.

How can we Help you?

Consumer bankruptcy is the type of legal proceeding provided for for consumers, i.e. people who are not in business. If you have found yourself in a difficult situation contact us – we will help you find a solution tailored to your situation.


Can an employee file for employer bankruptcy?

Pracownik ma takie same prawa jak każdy inny wierzyciel, w związku z tym, w przypadku, kiedy pracodawca zalega

Can a creditor file for bankruptcy of a debtor?

Podstawowym narzędziem do odzyskania swoich należności od dłużnika jest pozew cywilny. Postępowanie

Does the filing of a bankruptcy petition stop enforcement?

Nie pozostawia żadnych wątpliwości, że osoby fizyczne prowadzące działalność gospodarczą lub spółki

How to deal with a company crisis?

Żyjemy w świecie, w którym ciągłe zmiany są czymś z czym musimy mierzyć się każdego dnia. Ostatnie lata utwierdziły wszystkich w przekonaniu, że nic nie jest

How to declare bankruptcy?

The declaration of economic bankruptcy is connected with the court procedure, therefore the conditions that must be met are described in detail in the law, and

How do you sell a business without debt?

Widoczna jest tendencja wśród przedsiębiorców, zarówno jednoosobowych prowadzący działalność gospodarczą, jak i większościowych

Comprehensive insolvency advice

Postępowania upadłościowe ma wpływ na wiele obszarów dotyczących działania upadłego

How can I get rid of my debts?

Running a business involves a lot of risk. As part of operational or financial activities, many liabilities are incurred, which in

What can be done to recover debts from a debtor?

Zatory związane z brakiem płatności z przeprowadzonych transakcji dotyka niemal każdego przedsiębiorstwa. W

How can I influence the course of insolvency proceedings?

W każdym postępowaniu upadłościowym zachodzi konieczność uwzględnienia różnorodnych – i często

I would like to reach an agreement with my creditors

Jesteś przedsiębiorcą, który ma problemy finansowe? Masz niedobór środków i nie wiesz, jak dalej prowadzićt

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questions asked

Entrepreneur bankruptcy proceedings are proceedings that should be initiated when an entrepreneur is in a state of insolvency, i.e. when he has lost the ability to settle his due monetary obligations and, in the case of companies, also when his monetary obligations exceed the value of his assets, and this state of affairs persists for a period exceeding twenty-four months. Bankruptcy aims to liquidate the entrepreneur's assets and satisfy its creditors. Importantly, in the event of financial problems, the timely filing of a bankruptcy petition may relieve the persons representing the limited liability company from liability for certain debts of the company.

 You are concerned about declaring your form insolvent and are worried about what the consequences will be, contact us, we will carefully review your situation.

This is not the rule. Insolvency proceedings may lead to the deletion of a business entity from the register and the definitive end of its activity. Nevertheless, it may be the case that the efficient and proactive action of the trustee leads to the satisfaction of all creditors and allows the company to recover. Furthermore, in the case of bankruptcy by arrangement, it is possible to continue to operate the business without having to close it down.

Does a company always cease to exist after bankruptcy?

 If you are keen to preserve your business despite being declared bankrupt, our advisers will analyse your situation and suggest what action you can take.

In principle, yes. The main objective of bankruptcy is to satisfy creditors' claims to the greatest extent possible, and this is generally done by selling the debtor's assets. Either the entire business or its individual components are subject to disposal by the trustee. Depending on the form in which you run your business, this will affect whether your personal assets or even those of your spouse will also be disposed of in the bankruptcy proceedings. The chance to preserve your business is to have your creditors paid in full through your business or through an arrangement with your creditors.

 Don't delay, find out if your personal assets are safe and the property actions you have recently made will be effective against the bankruptcy estate. We can verify this for you - let nothing surprise you during bankruptcy.

It is a good idea to seek the assistance of a restructuring adviser when filing an entrepreneur's bankruptcy petition, as the petition must be filed through the National Debt Register, which restructuring advisers navigate efficiently, unlike those unfamiliar with this system. In addition, the application requires a number of details that may be unclear to those who are not practitioners of bankruptcy and restructuring law.

 Benefit from our knowledge and many years of experience. Thanks to the fact that we also perform the functions of receiver, interim court supervisor, administrator, forced administrator, supervisor for the execution of the arrangement, we are sensitive to all the nuances that are relevant in the pre-filing and also during bankruptcy.

In general, insolvency proceedings can be divided into 3 main stages: bankruptcy proceedings, insolvency proceedings and post-bankruptcy actions. The insolvency proceedings comprise all actions aimed at the court's decision to declare the entity bankrupt and are initiated by the filing of a bankruptcy petition. The actual bankruptcy proceedings, on the other hand, are a collection of all actions aimed at:
- determination of the list of claims,
- the determination and liquidation of the assets of the insolvent company,
- the implementation of the plan for the distribution of the funds obtained from the sale of the company's assets.

The activities to be carried out after insolvency proceedings are completed include, for example, the deletion of activities from the relevant registers, in the case of individuals, the cancellation of liabilities without establishing a plan for the repayment of creditors or the establishment of a plan for the repayment of creditors - and its subsequent implementation.

 At each stage of the insolvency proceedings, we will assist you, not only with advice and clarification of any complexities, but also with the drafting of the necessary documents and representation before the insolvency authorities.

In order to avoid disappointment in the form of financial losses, it is worth checking your counterparty - whether its company is bankrupt. Information on the company's status can be checked in the Monitor Sądowy i Gospodarczy by its NIP or KRS number, and in the case of proceedings initiated from 01.12.2021, this information is presented in the National Debt Register. Information on bankruptcy or restructuring of registered companies is updated daily.

 You have found out that your counterparty has declared bankruptcy, but you don't know what you can do next about it, use our help to pursue your claims in the course of bankruptcy proceedings.

The fixed court fee for filing a petition for commercial bankruptcy is PLN 1,000. In addition, the applicant shall pay an advance on expenses in the course of the proceedings for declaring bankruptcy in the amount of one times the average monthly remuneration in the enterprise sector without payments of rewards from profit in the third quarter of the previous year, announced by the President of the Central Statistical Office, and shall present proof of its payment with the application.

 Find out how to pay the fees and whether these are the only costs you should expect to pay when filing for business bankruptcy, as well as the consequences of not filing them, during a free consultation with our specialist

Kim are we?

We are a law firm whose the overriding aim is to help in difficult situations crisis for companies and individuals. We have been conducting bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings for many years.

We have at your disposal licensed restructuring advisors, who in cooperation with experts in the field of communication, finance and law will guide you through the insolvency process.

Do you have questions? Do you need additional information?
Let's talk. The consultation is free of charge.

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