The pandemic and rising inflation are not having a positive impact on business. The growing number of restructuring processes is causing concern not only among entrepreneurs but also among employees. Employees have doubts about the stability of their professional situation, and the prospect of initiating proceedings in the case of their company raises fears of job cuts. Meanwhile, as the expert points out PMR Restructuring the start of the restructuring process is good news for employees. It gives them a chance to maintain jobs and regaining financial stability by a company threatened with bankruptcy and insolvency.
If restructuring enterprises pose a real threat to employees?
- The answer to this question is clear. Restructuring proceedings are not a threat, but an opportunity, not only for the company, but also for employees. It facilitates the company is getting back on track and is putting off the prospect of bankruptcy, when it is too late to protect jobs – argues Małgorzata Anisimowicz, qualified restructuring advisor and CEO of PMR Restrukturyzacje.