Google following Facebook's lead will ban advertising for cryptocurrencies. From June, ads for virtual money will disappear from the world's most popular search engine.
Google, following the lead of Facebook, which banned cryptocurrency advertising on the social network in January, has announced that from June, the world's most popular search engine will also not be allowed to host any ads for Bitcoin, Ethereum platforms, as well as other financial speculation and gambling tools.
Google thus wants to tackle the new threats it wants to protect internet users from. The change in advertising policy is an effective countermeasure, if only because both companies - Google and Facebook - control the majority of the global ad market. The ban will not only cover the popular AdWords, but also ads on YouTube and all portals that share Google's advertising space.
Currency market experts and advisors business people are embracing these changes with satisfaction.
Not only cryptocurrencies will be banned, but also virtual money used in games that can be bought with real currencies, gambling games and other instruments of financial speculation.
15 March 2018:
" Google will ban ads for cryptocurrencies and virtual money starting in June