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How to deal with debt?

Instant loans, a consumer loan, an out-of-bank loan, unpaid instalments or an overdraft limit - against all appearances, this is the reality for many people. Several million Poles are drowning in debt, living in constant stress and fear for their future.

Długi potrafią powstać naprawdę szybko, a wyjście z nich może trwać latami. Pomimo tego należy jednak pamiętać, że nie jest to sytuacja bez wyjścia. Istnieją pewne sposoby na to, jak wyjść z długów. Nie jest to szybki proces, wymaga on konsekwentnego podejścia i fachowego wsparcia.

The signal that should be the first to make anyone think about disposing of their assets is the point at which one loses the ability to settle financial obligations on an ongoing basis. A delay in payment directly leads to an increase in debt, as it automatically results in interest being charged on late payments. In this way, it sometimes only takes a moment to lose control of one's finances.

There are many reasons for late payments, with job loss, accident, illness or rising interest rates standing out as the most common. The sooner you start planning tailored measures and gradually implement them, the better the chance of recovering your cash flow, without much damage. There are several ways to get out of debt. There is no no way out - the right approach and actions are capable of freeing you from huge debts that are unmanageable.

We will provide you with an in-depth analysis of your situation and suggest whether declaring bankruptcy is a good option for you, or whether perhaps there are other tools that will be better suited to your needs.

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