A counter launched by the Federation of Polish Entrepreneurs showing the estimated losses to the Polish economy resulting from the lack of funds from the National Reconstruction Plan (NRP) already indicates more than PLN 84 billion 🚨
Let us recall that of the nearly EUR 35.4 billion that Poland is to receive under the KPO, a large part is earmarked for the implementation of new investments in the railway or energy sectors. Without this money, it will also be impossible to carry out the wave of thermal modernization of buildings in Poland announced by the government. For the construction industry lacks these funds could mean a real disaster 📉
As if that wasn't enough, the situation on housing market is also not the best. The number of new constructions currently being carried out in this sector is only one third of the investments from previous years. As a result, contractors have more and more fewer orders and many of them have to struggle with a severe crisis.
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