More than 60% businesses can increase their profits by at least 5% through more effective product pricing (pricing). Using new technologies, customer data analytics and pricing based on the subjective value of a product is a huge opportunity for many companies. Companies that understand the value of their products and then develop the right competencies in data analytics and pricing will become leaders in their industry.
Ubiegłe lata spowolnienia gospodarczego w Europie wielokrotnie zmuszały przedsiębiorstwa do żmudnej walki o udziały rynkowe i stałej obniżki cen celem zwiększania sprzedaży. KPMG przeprowadziło badanie wśród kierownictwa wyższego szczebla przedsiębiorstw w Wielkiej Brytanii, aby sprawdzić jak zmieniło się podejście firm do kształtowania cen swoich produktów.
Pricing strategy high on the boards' agenda
On the one hand, the declarations of respondents in the market show that 87% companies have a clearly defined strategy on which they base their product pricing activities. On the other hand, it is not always clear to the executives of these companies - although 92% of respondents at board level understand their pricing strategy, at sales director level the percentage already drops to 82%.
24 November 2016:
" More than 60% companies see the need to price their products more effectively