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PMR in the media: 1668

Entrepreneurs still not using restructuring tools

According to estimates, up to tens of thousands of companies in Poland annually undertake internal repair, rescue measures, but only a few percent of them take advantage of the legal protection and tools that the new Restructuring Law puts at their disposal. Why?

Minął już drugi rok działania zmienionych przepisów Prawa Restrukturyzacyjnego i Upadłościowego znacznie zwiększających szanse na ratunek firm w Polsce. Mimo udostępnienia przedsiębiorcom nowych narzędzi ratunkowych, okresów ochronnych przed agresywnymi działaniami windykacyjnymi wierzycieli i profesjonalizacji procesu restrukturyzacji, polscy przedsiębiorcy nadal bardzo rzadko korzystają z takiej pomocy. Zgodnie z danymi przytaczanymi przez Coface „Upadłości i restrukturyzacje firm w Polsce w 2017 r.” w ubiegłym roku odnotowano 537 upadłości oraz 348 restrukturyzacje firm, w sumie 885 rozpoczętych postępowań, co stanowi zaledwie 16 proc. wzrost w stosunku do roku 2016.

This is a very small increase even considering that the number of restructurings alone is growing faster than bankruptcies - in 2016, of the total number of proceedings, 27 per cent were restructurings and in 2017. - 39 per cent. Among restructuring proceedings, accelerated arrangement proceedings (209) appear the most and proceedings for approval of an arrangement the least (11).

- Entrepreneurs most often resort to accelerated arrangement proceedings as they enable to reach an agreement with creditors as quickly as possible if the crisis is not at an advanced stage and the basic problems boil down to the liquidity imbalance,' says Sławomir Anisimowicz, Managing Director of PMR Restrukturyzacje S.A.. - The second most frequently used tool is the sanitation procedure, which, in turn, makes it possible to carry out profound changes in the scope of conducted operations, practically in every aspect, including remodelling or even changing essential business directions, he adds.

Why are these proceedings so few in Poland, when experts estimate that as many as several tens of thousands of companies in Poland implement various internal restructuring measures every year, and several thousand have serious temporary problems?

- The very low number of restructurings is a result of the still scant knowledge of entrepreneurs," says Sławomir Anisimowicz. - In Poland, in addition, in contrast to Western countries, there is a fear of admitting problems. For many entrepreneurs, as well as their business partners, financial institutions and customers, the introduction of open restructuring measures by a company is often a negative signal, even a harbinger of bankruptcy. In such a situation, many companies do not admit their problems to the end, do not seek external help and do not use the tools that the legislator has prepared for them," he explains.
The material appeared on

15 March 2018:
" Entrepreneurs still not using restructuring tools. Summary of two years of the new law

PMR in the media

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