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PMR in the media: 1663

The debtors' register is making slip-up after slip-up. It was supposed to help, but it multiplies problems

The Ministry of Justice launched the National Register of Debtors (KRZ) in early December 2021. For the first time, key data and documents regarding bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings were to be located in one place. The whole process was supposed to be much faster and simpler. But so far, the project has scored slip-up after slip-up. Court employees, creditors and restructuring advisors are complaining.
Fault after fault
- The defects that have been corrected continue to be replaced by new ones. This is the feeling we have both as restructuring advisors and court staff, with whom we are in constant contact. It is a great pity that, in this version, the system has not been released for practical testing, during which many shortcomings could have been eliminated, says Małgorzata Anisimowicz, a qualified restructuring advisor and President of the Management Board of PMR Restructuring. (...)
- The effectiveness of the resolution process largely depends on the speed of operation and the smooth flow of documents. In a situation where a single file cannot be added to the system or a person is not provided with the necessary rights, the process stops, which works to the disadvantage of the debtor,' says Małgorzata Anisimowicz. - Unfortunately, in the case of KRZ, similar situations multiply, she adds.

Published on the website and in the paper edition of Rzeczpospolita with expert commentary by Małgorzata Anisimowicz, CEO of PMR Restructuring and a qualified restructuring advisor.

This article appeared in the daily newspaper Rzeczpospolita, Paper edition: 43/2022(12198):21 February 2022. We invite you to read the full version:" Debt registry scores slip-up after slip-up. It was supposed to help, but it multiplies problems

PMR in the media

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