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PMR in the media: 1683

The situation on the market for raspberries for processing is dramatic

Polish raspberry producers do not agree with the rates proposed by processors for the fruit. In their view, they are half too low, so they are announcing protests and a halt to harvesting.

Problem jest jednak zdecydowanie bardziej złożony. Przedstawiciele Związku Sadowników RP uważają, że największym problemem polskiego rynku jest trwający od kilku miesięcy import mrożonek, przede wszystkim z Ukrainy. Wysłali w tej sprawie pismo do Ministerstwa Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi oraz do unijnego komisarza ds. rolnictwa

"Unfortunately, our fears and forecasts have been confirmed. More than 40,000 tonnes of frozen raspberries entered Poland in an uncontrolled manner, causing a huge disruption of the market. This practice is still ongoing. Unfortunately, all our warnings have been trivialised and none of the postulated solutions have been implemented," emphasise the trade unionists.

For more on this topic, see the article

The article appeared in June 2023. We invite you to read the full version:" Raspberry crisis in Poland. Fruit growers write to prime minister, want imports halted

PMR in the media

years on the market



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