Action announces that it should know this month how many objections there are and to which receivables, which will pave the way for the next stage of the restructuring proceedings, which began in the summer of 2016.
- We have money to settle current liabilities and run the business - emphasizes CEO Piotr Bieliński. He adds that now a lot depends on the creditors. Do they want to reach an agreement? - They approach us like a hedgehog - complains the CEO. In his opinion, the creditors do not yet know the specifics sanitation proceedings and they don't know what to expect.
He admits that the first months after the start of the restructuring were difficult, but the company is already past the worst. Since the start of the restructuring, it has generated monthly sales of around PLN 200 million.
on January 23, 2017:
» The Management Board believes in a positive outcome of the Sanation