The number of bankruptcies in the transport sector in 2018 increased by 29% compared to the previous year – as calculated by Euler Hermes experts. In the meantime, two large European transport companies are already calling for an increase in service prices by an average of 6%. This is to be a response to rising fuel costs, traffic jams, payment backlogs and problems with finding people willing to work.
According to the data available in the Economic and Court Monitors, from the beginning of the year to the end of July, Poland 580 companies. The most Bankruptcies are companies from the transport and manufacturing sectors. For all companies, this is a 14% increase compared to the same period last year. In transport industry and production, the increase is as much as 29%. Experts blame the worsening business conditions for the state of affairs - problems with payment backlogs, insufficient number of drivers and rising fuel costs, as well as new regulations on EU markets (minimum wage and drivers' work standards). More and more Poles choose to work for foreign carriers, liquidating their own businesses, small family businesses.
Meanwhile, two large European carriers – the German Nagel Group and the Hungarian Waberer – are unanimously calling on all carriers to raise their transport service rates by an average of 6%. In their opinion, this is the minimum that should cover rising costs running a business. According to carriers, it is no longer possible to optimize fuel consumption and transport logistics costs so as not to burden the end customer with them. Restructuring advisors analyzing the liquidity of companies and threats to various business sectors believe that transport industry, next to the construction industry, is currently in its most difficult situation in many years.
Employee market and the increasing complexity of European transport procedures make large, specialized forwarding companies more willingly chosen by customers than individual carriers. One of the solutions to some problems that would increase competitiveness on the market would be to combine resources small businesses family and creating a joint offer for end customers
– explains Małgorzata Anisimowicz, president of PMR Restructuring SA.
1 October 2018:
" Number of insolvencies among hauliers on the rise