As reported by the international credit insurer Coface in its 2018 report on bankruptcy and restructuring of companies in Poland, more and more companies at risk of bankruptcy are trying to get back on their feet. Although the total number of bankruptcies and restructurings is growing (an increase of 10% in 2018 compared to the previous year), the number of restructuring compared to previous years. The proportions of bankruptcy to arrangements and restructuring are also changing – in favour of saving companies (57 and 43 percent respectively).
Since the introduction of the new restructuring law in 2016, the number company bankruptcy is still below the level before the changes in the law were introduced – in 2014 it was 701, in 2015 – 650, and in 2018 – 558.
– Małgorzata Anisimowicz, President of PMR Restrukturyzacje SA, comments on the Coface results. – The best results are achieved in accelerated arrangement proceedings (the issue of speed of action) and restructuring proceedings (the time needed to implement the measures restructuring and restoring the restructured company opportunities to compete in the market). This indicates that time is an extremely important element in carrying out restructuring and rescuing companies is, next to financial resources, the most important component of success. A prolonged crisis situation does not allow for the implementation of changes, and the faith in the company, among customers, contractors and employees, decreases over time
- adds Malgorzata Anisimowicz.
Even though the number company bankruptcy in 2018 increased compared to the previous year (from 537 to 558), it is still significantly below the level from the period before the new bankruptcy and restructuring law came into force in January 2016. As many as 417 companies attempted restructuring in 2018, a significant increase from 348 in 2017.
Companies most often applied to the courts for accelerated arrangement proceedings – 259 (an increase of 24 percent compared to the previous year). The most dynamic growth was observed in the number of restructuring proceedings – 88 (an increase of 30% compared to 2017).
Although both trade and manufacturing saw a 7% increase in bankruptcies in 2018 compared to 2017, the situation in these industries is stabilizing. The same is true for construction, which saw a 4% increase, but the situation of many companies, especially those directly involved in the production or sale of building materials, has improved significantly. The industry that is experiencing the deepest crisis is transport - a 40% increase in the number of transport company bankruptcies indicates that most companies are going through a deep crisis.
23 January 2019:
" Despite rise in insolvencies, trade situation stabilises