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PMR in the media: 1668

Consumer bankruptcy increasingly popular

Już 18 osób dziennie składa w Polsce wniosek o upadłość konsumencką. Rocznie na taki krok decyduje się kilka tysięcy osób. Zdaniem ekspertów ich liczba powinna być jednak przynajmniej kilkukrotnie większa. Pomóc może w tym zmiana przepisów umożliwiająca ogłoszenie upadłości także osobom, które popadły w tarapaty finansowe ze swojej winy. Consumer bankruptcy wbrew powszechnej opinii nie jest postępowaniem, w którym syndyk puszcza dłużnika w skarpetkach. To zaspokojenie wierzycieli i druga szansa dla konsumenta – podkreślają eksperci.

- The scale of consumer bankruptcy is growing exponentially. Since the change of regulations, several thousand proceedings have already been announced, currently, almost twenty proceedings are announced daily - says Maciej Roch Pietrzak, Vice President of PMR Restrukturyzacje, to the Newseria Biznes information agency.

Data from the Central Economic Information Centre shows that from January to the end of June 2018, more than 3.2 thousand people used consumer bankruptcy (2.7 thousand the year before). On an annual basis, there are likely to be more than 6.5 thousand with 5.5 thousand in 2017, an increase of 17.8 per cent. Despite this impressive dynamic, compared to Western European countries, where tens of thousands of bankruptcies are declared annually, this is still not much.

- Consumer bankruptcy is a tool that allows debtors to free themselves from the spiral of debt into which they have fallen for various reasons. In such a situation, the legislator has allowed for a legal solution allowing such a person to be put into debt so that they can return to the normal economic cycle, so that they are not in the grey zone and in future can work normally, earn money and not, as happened in previous years, hide from the bailiff for years,' explains Maciej Roch Pietrzak.

Consumer bankruptcy was introduced as early as 2009, but initially - due to restrictions - only a few dozen people used it annually. It is only since 2015 that the number of proceedings has been increasing. Since then, around 14,000 people have used it. Due to the liberalisation of the regulations, there should be significantly more debtors who decide to take this step.

- Further amendments, which are to be implemented, make these proceedings even more efficient, inter alia, so that courts will be able to conduct more of them. Also so that people who find it difficult to use legal services or who have fallen into debt for some specific reasons, so far preventing them from declaring consumer bankruptcy, can benefit from this solution,' PMR Restructuring Vice President points out.
The material appeared on

30 July 2018:
" Consumer bankruptcy increasingly popular

PMR in the media

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