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PMR in the media: 1670

Consumer bankruptcy an opportunity for francophiles?

Po wyborach w USA kurs franka szwajcarskiego pnie się w górę. Już teraz wynosi 4,16 zł i niestety wciąż widać tendencję wzrostową. Tysiące polskich rodzin, które wzięły kredyt na upragnione mieszkanie traci grunt pod nogami, a politycy nadal nie mają dobrego pomysłu na rozwiązanie ich trudnej sytuacji. Część kredytobiorców decyduje się więc na ogłoszenie upadłości konsumenckiej – informuje firma PMR Restrukturyzacje.

The number of loans and credits pertaining to the Swiss currency amounts to approximately 562 000 in Poland, amounting to PLN 144 billion. Most of these are loans and credits secured by mortgages, among which housing loans predominate. The rising exchange rate of the franc therefore means another difficult time for thousands of borrowers.

PMR Restructuring recalls that this year, the courts have already received twice as many consumer bankruptcy petitions as in the whole of 2015. According to experts, this is not the result of an impoverished society, but only an increase in awareness among Poles. For it means that thousands of people who have so far lived in a debt spiral, avoiding debt collectors, are getting a new chance and the opportunity to return to a normal life.
- Consumer bankruptcy is very good news for many people, it is a new start, an improvement in their living conditions and a return to normality. It is the rescue they have long been waiting for
- says Małgorzata Anisimowicz, President of PMR Restructuring S.A.

According to restructuring advisors from her firm, in the next few years in Poland we can expect a steady increase in the number of applications for consumer bankruptcy, until it reaches a ceiling of around 50 000 per year, when the process will start to stabilise.

The material appeared on the website:

1 December 2016:
" There is an opportunity for the francophone, although...

PMR in the media

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