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What is restructuring?

Restructuring is a process of change in a company that may involve one or more spheres of its activity, such as organisational, financial or operational conducted in order to improve its functioning, increase its efficiency and adapt to changing market conditions.

Since 2016, the restructuring process has been structured through the Restructuring Law, which implemented into Polish law four types of restructuring proceedings directed at companies at risk of insolvency or insolvent companies, the aim of which is to avoid the declaration of bankruptcy of the debtor by enabling them to restructure through an arrangement with their creditors, and to carry out corrective measures, while safeguarding the legitimate rights of creditors.

Restructuring can be carried out under:

The choice of procedure depends on od posiadanej struktury wierzytelności i pożądanego zakresu ich restrukturyzacji, wielkości przedsiębiorstwa, a także złożoności niezbędnych działań naprawczych i czasu niezbędnego na ich wdrożenie. Niektóre postępowania mogą obejmować bowiem tylko financial restructuring, while others may also involve operational changes such as optimising the management structure or reducing staff.

Restructuring of operations under the procedures introduced by the Act umożliwia objęcie firmy ochroną przedegzekucyjną, zabezpieczeniem kluczowych umów, wstrzymanie płatności zobowiązań, czy wsparcie wykwalifikowanego doradcy restrukturyzacyjnego, co czyni cały proces bardziej efektywnym i bezpiecznym zarówno z punktu widzenia restrukturyzowanego przedsiębiorcy, jak i ochrony interesów wierzycieli.

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    The administrator of your personal data provided in the contact form is PMR Restrukturyzacje S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw. The personal data provided will be processed in order to respond to your enquiry. Information about your rights, the legal basis for processing your personal data and the period for which your data is stored "are located here.

    +48 22-30-05-105
    +48 22-30-05-106 (fax)


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    70 Prosta Street
    00-838 Warsaw

    Visitor hours:
    Mon-Fri: 9:00 - 13:00
    Wednesday: 13:00 - 16:00

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