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Young Poles - debts and lack of savings

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The likelihood of saving money in the next 12 months is declared as 'negligible' by 52.4 per cent of Poles and as 'none' by 25.6 per cent. - according to a survey carried out by the Conference of Financial Enterprises and the Institute of Economic Development of the Warsaw School of Economics.

The likelihood of saving is indicated as 'very likely' by 6 per cent of respondents and as 'very likely' by 16 per cent. The prevalence of those not planning to save is 37.8 percentage points, compared to 38.4 percentage points a quarter ago.

"According to households, the climate for saving improved once again at the beginning of Q3 2017. The balance of responses for this question increased by 7.5 percentage points compared to the Q2 2017 results and reached its highest result since 1997." - the commentary wrote.

At the same time, 42.5 per cent believe that now is a good time to save, while 57.5 per cent hold the opposite view. Prior to the quarter, the respective figures were 39.7 per cent and 60.2 per cent.

Young Poles are taking out more obligations

The situation is similar in Poland. According to the report "Credit Trends" by the Credit Information Bureau, in the first half of 2017 the number of people with liabilities to loan companies increased by 24 thousand. About 80 percent of them also have bank loans. This creates the risk of some borrowers falling into a spiral debts by taking on more liabilities in companies loan. The interest in such companies results from the fact that banks are withdrawing from low-amount consumer loans.

– I don't think that the increase in debt is a negative symptom. What is more important is how young people behave when they lose the ability to service their obligations. Do they try to solve their problems or do they run away from them, hoping that they will solve themselves? Identifying the debt problem in its initial phase and dealing with it is possible with a small sacrifice on the part of the borrower. Sometimes it is enough to limit your eating or partying habits, get more involved in work and show a bit of strong will to overcome difficulties before they start to pile up – says Sławomir Anisimowicz, director at the PMR law firm. Restructuring SA, which helps consumers with bankruptcy.

Sławomir Anisimowicz admits, however, that such simple solutions are often not possible. This happens when the borrower decides to take out a loan too late. problem solving or in the event of accidental events (illness, accident) that we have no influence on. Then excessive debt becomes difficult to eliminate.

– It is important to take decisive action then. First, try to reach an agreement with the creditors, and if it does not happen, use legal tools such as consumer bankruptcy. Such decisions are most often made by conscious consumers. Unfortunately, there are too few social initiatives that make young people (and not only them) aware that remaining in a state of excessive debt leads to being pushed to the margins of society, directly into grey zone – adds the representative of the PMR Restrukturyzacje SA law firm.
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19 October 2017:
" Young Poles have debts and no savings
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