Entrepreneurs are more concerned about regulatory changes than about growth prospects for their companies. Perhaps this is why they are more cautious than economists in predicting a fall in inflation.
As many as 64 per cent of entrepreneurs are concerned about legal changes and the actions of the administration - this is the conclusion of the 'Business Index' survey conducted by the Indicator Marketing Research Centre for the Lewiatan Confederation. For 65 per cent of those surveyed, anxiety also carries over into predictions for the development of the company.
The report also shows that 65 per cent of managers assessed that business conditions had worsened over the past six months. In contrast, 57 per cent are pessimistic about the future.
Entrepreneurs are largely concerned about inflation. Only a few (2 per cent) expect inflation below 10 per cent at the end of the year. Most managers expect 10-13 per cent inflation at the end of the year, while 38 per cent. - higher. The larger the company, the more pessimistic the prediction.
Publication on the website and in the paper edition of the Rzeczpospolita daily with expert commentary by Małgorzata Anisimowicz, president PMR Restructuring Management Board and qualified restructuring advisor.