Any minute now, the number of companies getting into serious financial trouble could reach several thousand. The reason for this is rising business costs.
From two to four thousand: that is how many defaults we must expect in the near future. This will be influenced by abrupt increases energy prices, rising fuel prices, an increase in the minimum wage and the highest inflation in the European Union.
– All of this (…) is for companies in Poland a huge challenge. Even if the demand for consumption remains high, it will be difficult for entrepreneurs to compensate for the huge increase in costs. At such a time, reasonable budget management and timely response are of particular importance, before the company will lose financial liquidity and fall into debt - explains Malgorzata Anisimowicz.
Publication on the website and in the paper edition of the Puls Biznesu daily with expert commentary by Małgorzata Anisimowicz, president PMR Restructuring Management Board and qualified restructuring advisor.