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PMR in the media: 1683

Bankruptcy - a cause for shame or a valuable lesson?

In the United States, approximately 2 million small and medium-sized enterprises go bankrupt every year, in the European Union - several hundred thousand. In Poland, on the other hand, the number of bankruptcies is steadily falling. Last year, courts declared 750 entities bankrupt - 10 per cent less than in 2014.

However, the ratio of companies going bankrupt to those that have been able to recover from bankruptcy is very unfavourable for our country. What is the reason for this?

– To kwestia zmiany nastawienia – mówi Maciej Pietrzak, Prezes PMR Restrukturyzacje S.A. – W Polsce przedsiębiorca, który ma za sobą nieudane projekty, postrzegany jest jako osoba, która poniosła porażkę i jest niegodna zaufania. W Stanach Zjednoczonych sytuacja jest zgoła odmienna. Każde nieudane przedsięwzięcie odbierane jest jako cenna lekcja. Przedsiębiorca, który odrobił te lekcje, będzie wcześniej potrafił zdefiniować problem, przewidzieć możliwe kryzysy i poradzić sobie z nimi. Stąd duże zaufanie – tłumaczy.

According to the European Commission's report on business bankruptcy in EU countries, it is the stigma and aura of failure that bankruptcy leaves in European culture that makes many people completely discouraged from starting up again. However, different attitudes towards bankruptcy are closely related not only to mentality, but also to legislation.

The material appeared on the website:

18 March 2016:
" Bankruptcy - a cause for shame or a valuable lesson?

PMR in the media

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