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August 1, 2017
PMR team
W pierwszym półroczu 2017 roku aż o 18 proc. wzrosła liczba polskich firm, które wystąpiły o upadłość lub restrukturyzację. Największy wzrost zanotowano w postępowaniach restrukturyzacyjnych, umożliwiających naprawę firmy. Zdaniem ekspertów ten trend będzie rósł w kolejnych latach.
Z raportu opublikowanego przez Coface wynika, że w pierwszym półroczu tego roku aż 387 firm rozpoczęło postępowania upadłościowe lub restrukturyzacyjne. To o 18 proc. więcej niż w pierwszej połowie 2016 roku. Zdaniem byłego...
July 20, 2017
PMR team
As PMR Restrukturyzacje SA reported in early July, bitcoin has been breaking records in popularity recently. However, another virtual currency – ether – is hot on its heels. “Polish entrepreneurs are increasingly deciding to invest in new currencies,” PMR Restrukturyzacje estimates. The price of one bitcoin is currently around $2,565, but it has fallen. One ether is around 10 times cheaper, but its exchange rate is rising rapidly. Analysts also note that the world of virtual currencies is very unstable,...
July 18, 2017
PMR team
Entrepreneurs who are forced to take out bank loans or use deferred payment for purchased products to develop their business are used to taking on debt. Having debt is not something they are ashamed of. As many as 93.4 percent of them responded in this way in the survey. - This shows that Polish entrepreneurs have a natural attitude to money. In business, it is like this that you deal with other people's money, debt financing is a natural thing all over the world - believes...
July 10, 2017
PMR team
More than a year has passed since the new restructuring law and the amended bankruptcy law came into force. It is already known that many restructuring and remedial proceedings will fail. One of the main reasons is the lack of people willing to provide financial support to companies that have the ambition - and above all the chance - to repair themselves. In Germany, an entrepreneur with a developed restructuring plan receives loans from banks on an equal basis with those who have financial problems...
July 7, 2017
PMR team
Every fifth person who takes out a loan does so to pay bills (electricity, gas, rent). We also use additional financing for unexpected everyday expenses, such as car repairs, washing machines, and refrigerators, according to an Ipsos study commissioned by Wonga. We also borrow money to cover seasonal purchases (school supplies or buying clothes). Meanwhile, when faced with financial problems, many people bury their heads in the sand and do nothing to solve them, which usually...
July 5, 2017
PMR team
Less than a month has passed since the launch of the Early Warning program by PARP and the Family Business Foundation, and 16 entrepreneurs from all over Poland have already signed up for it. The project is a pilot project and will end in 2023. To participate in the program, simply fill out a simple form on the website www.parp.gov.pl, describing the problems the company is struggling with and choosing the consultant the entrepreneur wants to work with. Profiles of consultants - business psychologists,...
July 3, 2017
PMR team
As many as 82.5% of Poles do not consider having debts to be shameful. Only 13.6% consider any loan to be something to be ashamed of. This is probably due to the fact that after 28 years of political transformation, we are joining Western European countries, where it is natural to take on financial obligations. However, when Poles are asked about specific forms of debt (mortgage, car loan, credit card and others), the attitude of respondents towards debt changes. Fewer people claim that all...
June 1, 2017
PMR team
Native entrepreneurs who see signs of crisis in their business activity can apply for the Early Warning program implemented by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) and the Family Business Foundation. It is intended to teach them how to recognize that a threat to the company is approaching - and to indicate possibilities for getting out of trouble. - Entrepreneurs will receive free help from consultants - business and restructuring advisors - who...
May 31, 2017
PMR team
The new restructuring law, in force since 1 January 2016, gave priority to remedial actions over liquidation of the company. The new regulations not only help save companies from bankruptcy, stop enforcement by bailiffs and termination of previously concluded contracts by banks, but also provide debtors with protection against the sale of assets for next to nothing and protect jobs. According to the new law, restructured companies can also apply for public aid, e.g. in the form of arranging...
May 17, 2017
PMR team
Yesterday, President Andrzej Duda signed an amendment to the Pharmaceutical Law, already known as "Pharmacy for Pharmacists". In light of the newly adopted changes, a permit to run a public pharmacy will be available to pharmacists with the right to practice the profession, running a sole proprietorship, and general partnerships or professional partnerships whose subject of activity is exclusively running pharmacies and whose partners are exclusively pharmacists with the right to...
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