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How to deal with a company crisis

The sooner action is taken, the better the chances that the crisis can be averted.

A good solution is to carry out analyses or contact an external specialist to audit the company:

1. Conduct a company analysis
2. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of your business
3. diagnose the problems
4. Develop an action plan

Or use our services and carry out an audit of the company, i.e:

Company audit - the examination of the regularity and efficiency of a company's operations, including financial and operational audits, is a key element in diagnosing the situation in which it finds itselfthem.

Financial audit

involving the possibility of providing services in the field of:

  • audit of the financial statements
  • the financial, management and tax accounting policies adopted,
  • Due Diligence audit

The stages of our financial audit based on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and accounting principles applicable on the Polish market, take into account:

  • Identification of audit objectives and areas, the company's core business and its environment
  • Analysis of the current situation: processes, legal acts and contracts, organisational system, previous reports, control reports and financial budgets
  • Presentation of the audit plan
  • Audit (examination) of financial statements
  • Examination of the accounting policies and principles adopted
  • Analysis of the correct reporting of transactions and compliance of business processes
  • Examination of the legal area related to the operation of the company, the procedures used and the organisational structure
  • Preparation of an audit report, including conclusions, recommendations and principles for implementation of improvements
  • Follow-up audit of the implementation of recommendations

as well as:

  • Support in the design of accounting processes and the implementation of management and tax accounting standards, chart of accounts and IFRS-compliant financial statements,
  • Ability to provide accounting, payroll and compliance services

Operational audit

giving an assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the company's operations. Depending on the objective, it takes on different configurations of activities, as different activities will be undertaken for an audit related to the introduction of lean management methodologies, targeted ERP systems and others for a comprehensive analysis of the company.

Stages of operational audit:

  • Analysis and examination of the documentation held by the company: organisational chart, regulations, procedures, standards adopted, quality systems implemented and their control results, job descriptions
  • Analysis of the productivity of individual jobs in the adopted production or customer service process
  • Analysis of human, material, financial and information resources
  • Process mapping
  • Preparation of activity reports
  • Advice on effective process management and implementation of measures to improve company operations

Insolvency audit

arising from the content of Art.11 of the Insolvency Law, conducted in terms of:

  • liquidity
  • debt

PMR in the media

years on the market



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    The administrator of your personal data provided in the contact form is PMR Restrukturyzacje S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw. The personal data provided will be processed in order to respond to your enquiry. Information about your rights, the legal basis for processing your personal data and the period for which your data is stored "are located here.

    +48 22-30-05-105
    +48 22-30-05-106 (fax)


    Visit us:
    70 Prosta Street
    00-838 Warsaw

    Visitor hours:
    Mon-Fri: 9:00 - 13:00
    Wednesday: 13:00 - 16:00

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