The Management Board of Mediatel SA ("Issuer") hereby informs that on April 12, 2017, Hawe Telekom Sp. z o. o. in restructuring with its registered office in Warsaw ("Company") filed objections against Resolution of the Board of Creditors No. 1/03/2017 dated April 3, 2017 regarding the dismissal from the function of administrator PMR companies Restructuring SA (the “Administrator”) and the appointment of restructuring advisor Wiesław Ostrowski in his place (the “Resolution”).
Management Hawe Telekom Sp. z o. o. in restructuring does not agree with the decision of the Council Creditors and consider it as the next step Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A. ("ARP S.A."), which may lead to an attempted hostile takeover of the Company, about which the Issuer reported in more detail in Current Report No. 7/2017 of April 11, 2017.
In the opinion of the Company's Management Board, the Resolution was adopted in gross violation of the Restructuring Law, as the Creditors' Council has no competence to dismiss and appoint the Administrator, and only the court has such competence.
In addition, it should be pointed out that, in the opinion of the Company's Management Board, there are no reasons whatsoever that would justify the dismissal of the previous Administrator.
13 April 2017:
" MEDIATEL S.A. (8/2017) Challenge by Hawe Telekom Sp. z o.o. in restructuring to the resolution of the Council of Creditors of 03 April 2017 on the change of the administrator of Hawe Telekom Sp. z restructuring