Figures from the Central Statistical Office (CSO) show that consumer inflation in Poland in December 2021 was 8.6 per cent on an annualised basis, with an average of 5.1 per cent for the whole of 2021. The largest price increases in 2021 were recorded in transport - 22.7 per cent.
In December last year, it cost 11.2 per cent more to use a flat or a house than it did the year before, as well as energy carriers, where increases in bills reached up to several hundred per cent. And this is just the beginning of a long list of challenges that companies operating on the Vistula face today," states a press release from PMR Restructuring.
– Since January this year, they have also been facing salary increase minimum. This in turn indirectly affects the increase in other salaries, which many entrepreneurs simply can no longer afford. In normal circumstances, such costs can be covered from surpluses or financial reserves that companies are able to accumulate during good economic conditions. She adds that for many industries, including transport, entertainment, the cosmetics sector and gastronomy, the last dozen or so months have been extremely difficult, and a large number of companies have used up their cash resources very quickly - comments Małgorzata Anisimowicz, president of PMR Restructuring Management Board and a qualified restructuring advisor, and adds that the catering industry is in a particularly difficult situation.