Up to 10,000 Polish haulage companies involved in international road transport are to be threatened with bankruptcy. The reason is the drastic increase in operating costs, rising fuel prices and the war in Ukraine.
According to experts from the business consulting company PMR Restrukturyzacje, 30% of the over 35,000 transport companies that did not have the appropriate financial resources may lose liquidity this year and find themselves on the verge of bankruptcy. The companies that based their business on transport to Eastern European countries are in the most difficult position. As a result of sanctions imposed on Russia and Belarus and the interruption of supply chain, many of them cannot run their business normally today. Some entrepreneurs are also giving up transport to the East for safety reasons. In turn, those who want to switch to driving to Western Europe before they realize the different market realities can contribute to the business.
Publication on the Rp.pl website with expert commentary by Małgorzata Anisimowicz, president PMR Restructuring Management Board and qualified restructuring advisor.