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PMR in the media: 1683

Kerdos lifeguards took to the starting line

The court has appointed an administrator for the sanitation proceedings for the owner of the Dayli drugstore. Now the interim managers are to get to work. It's not good, and the ambiguities are only increasing, but at least the impasse is coming to an end.

Tak wygląda sytuacja w Kerdosie (dawnej Hygienice), giełdowym operatorze sieci drogerii Dayli. W środę sąd wyznaczył zarządcę sanitation proceedings w spółce, która nie spłaca długów i zamyka sklepy, ale stara się uratować przed likwidacją. Została nim kancelaria PMR Restrukturyzacje, zaangażowana również w postępowanie sanacyjne w innej giełdowej czarnej owcy, czyli Hawe Telekom z grupy Hawe.

- Our role is to administer the proceedings efficiently, with the company's operations to be taken care of by interim managers. The key is to raise financing for the company, which can be done in several ways. There is, of course, the sale of assets or the raising of an investor, or in the extreme case the conversion of debt into shares. Even if Kerdos were to go out of business, it seems that liquidating it would not be a good step. The company has value - a place on the stock market and a tax shield to exploit - and it would be a good thing. says Maciej Roch Pietrzak, President of PMR Restructuring.

The material appeared in the newspaper:

13 May 2016:
" Kerdos' rescuers took to the starting line

PMR in the media

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