The topic of restructuring usually appears in the media only when financial problems affect large companies. However, the recovery tools are not reserved only for giants. Even the smallest companies, among which the effectiveness of restructuring is very high, can use them on equal terms. Experts from PMR Restrukturyzacje and FKK Law Firm point out the most common myths about restructuring and suggest how companies from Lower Silesia and throughout Poland can quickly and effectively repair their business.
The maintenance of sanitary restrictions and the prolonged closure of the service sector have hit many sectors of the economy very hard. In the Lower Silesia and Wrocław regions, industries related to tourism, such as hotels, restaurants, music clubs and pubs, have suffered the most. In the same The broadly understood industry has found itself in a difficult situation event – companies organizing concerts, sound systems, as well as wedding halls or catering companies.
According to experts PMR Restructuring and the FKK Law Firm, in order to stop the avalanche of bankruptcy, it is necessary to disseminate knowledge about the available repair tools among entrepreneurs. Each day of delay brings the indebted companies to bankruptcy, and only a quickly undertaken restructuring can protect them from this.
A viable escape from bankruptcy
– Restructuring proceedings are a real protection for entrepreneurs against bankruptcy. As restructuring advisor I also served as a trustee and I know perfectly well that for people running a business there is nothing worse than helplessly watching the sale of their entire life's work and the collapse of the company. However, a reaction taken in time will prevent this - emphasizes Małgorzata Anisimowicz, qualified restructuring advisor and president of the board PMR Restructuring. He adds that today in Poland we are dealing with an unprecedented scale of bankruptcy among small and medium-sized enterprises. - Currently, in every Court and Economic Monitor there are several or even a dozen new entries about the declaration of bankruptcy. The scale is overwhelming, but many of these stories could have ended differently if the companies had decided on the restructuring process in time - says Małgorzata Anisimowicz.
Małgorzata Anisimowicz – qualified restructuring advisor and president of the management board of PMR Restructuring gave an interview for the website on the topic of business bankruptcy.