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Restructuring of a sole proprietorship

Restructuring of a sole proprietorship: Comprehensive Restructuring Services

At PMR Restructuring, we specialise in comprehensive restructuring of one-person businesses. Our task is to support entrepreneurs in difficult financial situations so that they can regain financial equilibrium, improve management efficiency and continue to grow. Thanks to our experience and in-depth knowledge, we can offer solutions tailored to the individual needs of each client.

Why Restructuring?

Restructuring is a process that helps entrepreneurs facing financial or operational difficulties. It can involve a variety of activities, such as reorganising the company's structure, renegotiating financial commitments, optimising management processes or implementing new strategies. Restructuring aims to restore the company's viability and long-term sustainability.

Our Services

Financial analysis

We carry out a detailed analysis of the company's financial situation, identifying key problems and areas for improvement.

Development of a Restructuring Plan

We create a comprehensive restructuring plan that includes specific measures to improve the financial and operational situation of the company.

Negotiations with creditors

Reprezentujemy naszych klientów w negocjacjach z wierzycielami, dążąc do uzyskania korzystnych warunków spłaty zobowiązań oraz restrukturyzacji długu.

Crisis Management

We support firmy w zarządzaniu kryzysowym, pomagając w podejmowaniu kluczowych decyzji oraz wdrażaniu działań naprawczych.

Operational optimisation

We conduct an operational audit, identifying opportunities to optimise business processes, leading to increased efficiency and cost reductions.

Legal support

 Zapewniamy pełne wsparcie prawne w procesie restrukturyzacji, w tym przygotowanie niezbędnej dokumentacji oraz reprezentację przed sądami i innymi instytucjami.

Why Trust Us?


Nasz zespół składa się z ekspertów z wieloletnim doświadczeniem w dziedzinie restrukturyzacji oraz zarządzania kryzysowego.

Individual Approach

   Every client is unique to us. We offer personalised solutions tailored to the specific needs and situation of the company.


Our working methods are proven and effective, as evidenced by our many successes and the satisfaction of our customers.

Full Commitment

   We are involved at every stage of the restructuring process, providing ongoing support and advice.

Contact Us

Jeśli Twoje przedsiębiorstwo potrzebuje wsparcia w zakresie restrukturyzacji, skontaktuj się z nami. Jesteśmy gotowi pomóc w przezwyciężeniu trudności i zapewnić Twojej firmie solidne podstawy do dalszego rozwoju.

    The administrator of your personal data provided in the contact form is PMR Restrukturyzacje S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw. The personal data provided will be processed in order to respond to your enquiry. Information about your rights, the legal basis for processing your personal data and the period for which your data is stored "are located here.

    PMR in the media

    years on the market



    Form contact

      The administrator of your personal data provided in the contact form is PMR Restrukturyzacje S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw. The personal data provided will be processed in order to respond to your enquiry. Information about your rights, the legal basis for processing your personal data and the period for which your data is stored "are located here.

      +48 22-30-05-105
      +48 22-30-05-106 (fax)


      Visit us:
      70 Prosta Street
      00-838 Warsaw

      Visitor hours:
      Mon-Fri: 9:00 - 13:00
      Wednesday: 13:00 - 16:00

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      PMR Restructuring S.A. @ 2024
