The pandemic stifled social activity, caused people to lock themselves indoors and cancel mass events. And rampant inflation and uncertainty about future financial health influenced consumers to shop less frequently and reach for beer. These two negative shocks have provoked a decline in per capita beer consumption: from 100 litres per person before the global pandemic to 92 litres today," - says Magdalena Brzezinska, corporate affairs director at Grupa Żywiec.
As if that wasn't enough, despite so difficult situation of the industry beer excise tax was increased twice (10% in 2020 and 10% in 2022). These factors forced many beer producers to make difficult decisions, including closing some breweries.
Although the market situation is somewhat more stable nowadays, production costs are still rising - mainly due to instability in the energy and fuel markets. Unfortunately, however, there are no indications that the situation of the beer industry is going to change in the near future.
For more on the difficult situation of Polish breweries, see the publication by