Although it is difficult to find a spectacular example of a successful restructuring, according to experts the new legislation is having an effect. At the end of December it will have been two years since the new restructuring law came into force. There were, are and will be many objections to it. Despite this, the law, although not quite working as expected, is fulfilling its role.
Failures and successes
The most spectacular failures of the new law were witnessed in 2017. It was then that the restructuring proceedings the Matras bookstore chain, Alma delicatessen or the Włodarzewska developer.
This year, sanction proceedings were discontinued for, among others, pharmaceutical wholesaler Intra and large Kielce-based property developer Dorbud.
Fewer bankruptcies
It is difficult for experts to name even one example where the restructuring was successful.
The non-standard solution applied by DGA Centrum Sanacji in the case of Mennica Metale Szlachetne can be considered as such, by first lending money to the rescued company money for the company for survival, and then selling the production plant in Radzymin to an investor.
Piotr Zimmerman, on the other hand, points out that thanks to the proceedings such large companies are still operating in the restructuring process such as Ruch, Action or the retail chain Piotr i Paweł.
Maciej Roch Pietrzak, proxy at PMR Restructuring Company, who believes that restructuring law is an opportunity to effectively help companies.
Overburdened courts
One of the the biggest problems of restructured companies is the lack of possibility of obtaining financing.
The length of court procedures is also a problem.