Branża mleczarska jest wyjątkowa – upadłości zdarzają się raz na kilka lat. Warto prześledzić jak to wygląda na tle całego sektora spożywczego. Jak podaje Coface w raporcie za 2018 r. dotyczącym upadłości i restrukturyzacji firm w Polsce, coraz więcej firm zagrożonych upadłością podejmuje próbę wyjścia na prostą. Jak czytamy w raporcie, mimo że rośnie ogólna liczba upadłości i restrukturyzacji – wzrost o 10 proc. w 2018 r. w stosunku do roku poprzedniego, to znacząco wzrasta też liczba restrukturyzacji w stosunku do lat poprzednich.
Since the introduction of the new restructuring law in 2016, the number of company insolvencies is at all times below the level before the law changes - in 2014 it was 701, in 2015. - 650, and in 2018 - 558.
He points out that the restructuring market is a niche requiring specific knowledge and, in particular, specific competences that are only available in teams. Some law firms are broadening their scope to include company restructuring, but legal knowledge is not enough, according to the specialists. Negotiators, financiers, accountants, lawyers and people experienced in managing companies are needed to successfully repair a company.
The market still lacks specialised law firms to manage the whole process from start to finish. Bankrupt companies usually go to lawyers who propose to use the protection that the new law allows. In doing so, they prolong the company's bankruptcy process, but are unable to effectively rectify it, i.e. carry out the relevant audits, negotiate with creditors, obtain the financing needed to keep the company afloat and manage the changes that need to be made to rectify the situation. As company rescue specialists unanimously confirm: the most important moment is when the entrepreneur comes for help.
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