Experts from the Polish company PMR Restrukturyzacje SA have analyzed the situation in the American oil industry. They estimate that the record number of bankruptcies will soon be reached and exceeded, despite the rising price of oil worldwide. The current the record is 68 bankruptcies in 2002/2003 in the telecommunications sector.
– To understand why American companies are filing for bankruptcy, you need to know what it means for them. Announcement Bankruptcy in Poland is commonly associated with the end of a company, sale of assets and only partial satisfaction of creditors' claims. In America, bankruptcy is perceived differently - it is a certain state of a company that gives it legal protection and allows for the implementation effective restructuring. In many cases, this is very good news for the company, which receives support from its creditors, investors, but also sometimes the tax authorities in the form of reliefs, loan write-offs, and even additional capital – explains Maciej Roch Pietrzak, president of PMR Restrukturyzacje SA
According to information from the Reuters news agency, the Haynes & Boone law firm and the portal, 60 oil companies in the United States have already filed for bankruptcy. bankruptcy due to the huge decline in oil prices on world markets.