Agricultural real estate with a residential building and outbuildings in Czermin

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The Receiver of the bankruptcy estate of the Debtor Zbigniew Franc in bankruptcy proceedings conducted before the court in Kalisz, V Commercial Division, ref. no. KZ1A/GUp-s/30/2024 has for sale: Agricultural property with a residential building and outbuildings on plot number 15 with a plot area of 1.000 ha, located in Czermin 67, KW No. KZ1P/00007223/1.

The starting price is: PLN 275,000.00

In order for the Bidder to participate in the tender, the following conditions must be met:

  1. złożenie pisemnej oferty spełniającej warunki Regulaminu w zamkniętej kopercie wterminie do 06 listopada 2024 r. do godziny 15:02
  2. payment of the tender deposit in the amount corresponding to 10% (in words: ten per cent) of the net starting price of the subject of the tender into the bank account kept for the bankruptcy estate under number 91 1090 1926 0000 0001 5624 8521 on time do 06 listopada 2024 r. do godziny 15:02

Offers should be submitted to the following address: PMR Restrukturyzacje SA, ul. Klonowica 2/5B, 58-500 Jelenia Góra.

Detailed information about the subject matter of the tender can be obtained from an employee of the Syndic's Office from Monday to Friday from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. at telephone number (75) 64 82 802,

The offer should include:

  1. the date on which the offer was made,
  2. the name and surname, the name of the Bidder, the legal form, the PESEL or NIP number or the number in the National Court Register and, if there is no such number, other data enabling unambiguous identification of the Bidder, the indication of persons authorised to represent the Bidder, the mailing address, telephone number and e-mail address,
  3. to offer a purchase price, specifying the subject of the tender, not lower than the starting price, and specifying the manner and date of its payment,
  4. confirmation of payment of the deposit to the bank account of the bankruptcy estate,
  5. the bank account to which the amount of the bid security is to be refunded in the event that the bid of the Bidder concerned is not selected,
  6. a statement of familiarity with the factual and legal status of the subject of the tender,
  7. a statement that the Tenderer is not one of the persons excluded from the possibility of submitting tenders under Paragraph V(2) of the Rules of Procedure,
  8. a statement that the Bidder has read the Rules and Regulations and has no objections to their contents,
  9. statement of awareness of the consequences the sale of components of the bankruptcy estate in bankruptcy proceedings, as well as the effects and obligations associated with the acquisition of agricultural property,
  10. a statement of undertaking to cover all costs related to the conclusion of the agreement for the sale of the subject of the tender,
  11. a statement that you acknowledge and understand the manner in which the Receiver will inform you of any auction proceedings,
  12. if the tender is submitted by a proxy, the original power of attorney or a copy of the power of attorney granted, certified in accordance with separate provisions,
  13. a statement of consent to communication by e-mail to the address indicated in the Offer,
  14. signature of the tenderer on the tender,

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